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Create a new forum with AwesomeBB : awesomebb

Create a new forum with AwesomeBB

The 100% responsive version of the forums which adapts to all screens

AwesomeBB is the most recent version of the forums offered on Forumotion. Its goal is simple: to meet the needs of increasingly mobile members. In fact, communities are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to chat. Which requires a forum offering a design adapted to small screens.
If your community is used to discussing on both mobile and PC, AwesomeBB is the version you need! You can create a modern forum adapted to all screens very easily by choosing the AwesomeBB version.

V vsakem trenutku spremenite različico foruma! Od izdelave PHPBB3 do MODERNBB ali INVISION lahko greste.

Select a design skin for your forum (optional)

Izberite izmed tisoč brezplačnih tem, da prilagodite forum. Ko je forum ustvarjen, lahko še vedno spremenite slog v upravljalski plošči (več možnosti je na voljo). Ustvarite edinstven prostor z najboljšimi orodji za prilagajanje.

AwesomeBB - Default version

AwesomeBB - Default version

AwesomeBB - MidnightAwe

AwesomeBB - MidnightAwe

AwesomeBB City

AwesomeBB City



Community Forum

Community Forum

AwesomeBB - Rosa

AwesomeBB - Rosa